I decided to change up the main focus of the Blog for just a second to interview my good friend Mike Berube. I asked him 10 questions about who he is and what he is about. Before you read the questions I just want to give you the KD of Mike Berube. Mike and I went to High school together, we had lockers beside each other and a few classes. I have been talking to Mike almost every night because our time zones are a lot closer then the people back home in Canada. Mike is currently working in Africa and is knee deep in the political outburst in Kenya. This guy sees things that we normal turn away from and his job is to photograph it and send it around the world. Most nights I come home and I fix my bikes, work on writing up my race reports for the family and friends back home. Mike meanwhile has to go out in to a country that is polluted with violence and risk his life so that we can read about it as we drink our morning coffee!
10 Questions with Mike Berube…
1) Who are you… if you and I just met in the elevator and you only had 10 seconds to tell me who Mike Berube is, what would that be?
1. Hey I'm called mike. And I am a human being.
2) Where in the World are you?
2. Right now I am currently in Kenya Africa working for a series of magazines covering the conflict here. I am also using the work for a book I am publishing in the summer.
3) Do you ever get tired of traveling?
3. I love traveling. I never get tired of it. I love to see the world in all of its horror, beauty and wonder. I love that I live out of a suitcase!
4) Is photography a passion, art, work or just something that fell in to your lap?
4. Photography literally was something that I thought was just a hobby. I never knew it would be my life. My camera takes me everywhere. I have met many people with it and seen many things with it. It fell into my lap in high school and that is all the education I have with it. I have not looked back since.
5) Why do you think photos have an influence on people?
5. I think images have a profound effect on people because it generates an immediate reaction to what is happening or what is being said. It is important to say something with your life and your work. To stand-alone and be one in a crowd. I think that when people see what is going on in the world they want something done about it. Because if we don't who will?
6) What was the hardest thing to photograph for you? And why?
6.The hardest thing to photograph... I always have a hard tome approaching a situation that involves me approaching a family and entering their house to get pictures and to make the story. It is hard because as photographers we "take" pictures... We are always taking... So it is important to ensure you give back in some way and to make sure that everyone feels good about the situation. To put your subjects at ease and show them that you are human and that you have true compassion for the situation that they are in.
7) What is the Best advice someone has ever given you?
7. There are lots of great people I have met and many things I have learned and have not learned... I still make mistakes... everyday... I have probably invented some as well. But the best advice… Bob Gilka at National Geographic... "F8" (camera setting) and "Be there"
8) What Kind of story will you tell your grand kids?
8. I would tell them to be aware of the world and events and to show compassion and help those in need of a voice, shoulder, friend or someone to listen too... And to speak out against wrong in the world. Protest peacefully either by painting, writing, photography... whatever it takes... and in that protest... to help and show others to protest. so that people may live safe and happy like them.
9) If there were one thing you could change in this World what would it be?
9. Peace... We need it.
10) What do you think about this quote… live for something or die for nothing your call?
10. Your whole life... I believe is a self-portrait. You have a canvas, photograph, pencil and paper... what will you make of it in the end? What mark will you leave? And will that live on when you are gone? Will you touch others in a way that no one will forget you? Live for everything!
I was motivated to post this because I think everyone should take a moment and relax… If you are frustrated because you missed your TV show, or you didn’t get perfect on a test… just chill…my message is… Be grateful, thankful, be happy and have fun… things could be a lot worse…
Life’s a Garden Dig it!!
To get a closer look on what Mike Berube is dealing with… here are a few links: