Today we had an action packed day in Tielt-Winge . A very bad storm came and dropped a pile of rain on us. Along with the rain a few tress dropped in to our backyard. The day was a normal rest day, woke up had some breakfast and headed to the grocery store. When we got home Aaron mentioned to us that the Police and a neighbor had stopped by to talk to the owner of our house about a tree that fell on to his fence. Greg, Aaron and I went and investigated and discovered that a few trees had in fact fallen on to the guys fence. That is when Stef our English connection came out to check out the damage. Lets just say a house full of Canadians, yeah we can chop trees. Aaron and I aka the lumberjacks, started to begin demo of the tree. Stef supplied the chainsaw and the three of us went to town! The Belgians know how to ride bikes, the Canadians can cut trees!!! It was like batman with the bat signal in the sky, we see fallen tree we get to work. We had this massive tree cut and removed in and around 1hr 30mins…we get shit done!!! We had a deadly trio for the tree cutting, Aaron from Edmonton, in the army reserve. Stef, from England, Cycling Manager. Kyle Douglas, Ontario, son of Cris Douglas! Yeah watch out people!!!
Enjoy the pictures of tree removal 2007!
Enjoy the pictures of tree removal 2007!

very proud, very kyle like, very Canadian...tree cutter you are. it looks like your having fun. Talk to you soon. older bro and family!
ya buddy doing it canadian style deffinetly havent forgotton your roots buddy best of luck in the upcoming race
Well done, team work pays off, got to love the power tools....
Good luck on Sunday Maw
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