Well the update on Ryan goes something like this. We went and visited with him yesterday brought him a few things he wanted. He is doing ok for a guy who has to lay on his back and can only move his one arm. He told us he was not happy with the night shift nurses but the day shift ladies were really nice. The doctors say it’s a 95% chance that he won’t need surgery. The next couple of days are crucial; they are monitoring the swelling in his back to make sure nothing shifts. He is still cracking all his normal Ryan jokes. The
Quote of the day from him is: I’m doing as good as a guy could be with a straw up my penis!

His position for the next 2 days, the plastic shell he has on is his body cast!

Ryan's Zoolander picture!
ryan get well buddy colins uncle drews buddy !!!
whats the address to get in contct with ryan at the hospital? tell him that Colin, AP, and Dano say get well and that we are thinking about him!
Kyle - please pass onto Ryan that we will visit him when he gets home to Hamilton. Hope all goes well when his parents get there.
Tell him June & Pete are wishing him the best and those nurses better be nice to my little buddy!
Ryan; Christopher,Nicholas and Kristy want you to get better quickly; They want a swimming buddy!
We are thinking of you daily; Hugs;
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