If Yuma was a place of water then today would have been a sailors delight, but it is a desert. When you add 60km/h winds and sand you get an enormous mess. Derek and I both decided not jump on the bikes because of the sand blasting conditions, so instead we climbed a mountain. The other day we found a trail while mountain biking that looked like it would reach the summit of one of the surrounding mountains. Cory, Derek and Myself laced up the hikers, packed our daypack and set forth. The beginning of the trail was easy breezy. A nice 6% grade would lead us on for half the climb. After a quick stop at a lookout we pushed on. It seemed with every step the grade got steeper and the trail got thinner. Unfortunately we didn’t make it to the top, the goat path disappeared and the remaining push to the top looked like it required climbing gear, which we did not have. We made our way back down the mountain and headed home. Derek and I jogged home, while Cory got picked up by his Dad (Ken). Total time for adventure #7 was 3hrs 7mins, we covered 12.5km.
Dougy and Derek

Hey that looks like a good hike and a very blue sky day, hope Cory didn't wear you two bikers out...
Momma Dukes
Hey that looks like a good hike and a very blue sky day, hope Cory didn't wear you two bikers out...
Momma Dukes
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