Matt arrived 2 days ago, safe and sound!!! We took him out for a mtb ride within 2hrs of him being here... living the dream!!!
Today we take the motor home to Cali for the NMBS race... super pumped first race of the season!!!

On Your Left
There are three types of people in this world:
-those who make things happen
-those who watch things happen
-and those who wonder what happened.
We all have a choice.
You can decide which type of person you want to be.
so i see these where taken before his little "fall" ha ha...good to see he made it safe and sound, hope it goes the same for his trip home...good luck at your races Kyle!
Hey Kyle....we're taking Mom & Dad to the airport first thing in the morning. Hope you enjoyed your training down south!
Have a safe drive home and we'll see you soon.
Sonja & the fam
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