It has been a few days since I posted anything... the last few days have been crazy busy... sorry about that... here a few pics of the last few days...

We have a new addition to the squad... Fudge arrived a few days ago...
On Your Left
There are three types of people in this world:
-those who make things happen
-those who watch things happen
-and those who wonder what happened.
We all have a choice.
You can decide which type of person you want to be.
That climb looks like a challenge, nice to see Fudge...take care, we
will be digging out of the snow, snow, and more snow....geez when's spring again..
Momma Dukes
Hi Kyle, Fudge & Derek!
Glad to see the entries into the blog from Arizona. Wish I was there in the nice sun and blue sky...minus the snake part. All is well at home, the snow is starting to melt slowly. May take a while.
hey man call me haha
how many tri-pods do you have!!!?
im hurt.
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