Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Gather around its story TIME


Today is January 9th 2008- T-minus 17days till World Championships!

The last few days have flown by. It felt like I was packing my bags up to leave to come here, January 26th is fast approaching on me.

I Decided to put the cross tires back on my bike to do some training in the forest. As you may recall I found myself there a few days ago on my cross bike, but with slick tires. I had to go back and ride the mountain bike trails I found. I was loosing sleep over the fact that I found them, took the safe route out and found the nearest road, which is a sin in my books! I ventured back there yesterday, found the trails and rode them. I stopped at a “T” where there was a bench and a map of the forest! On the bench sat a man, a man that had striking resemblance to no other then Ron Hancock. If you’re reading this Hancock family… I found Ron’s long lost twin. I had to take a second and look. In fact I was tempted to even say… Ronbob?... The gentlemen I guess noticed my abnormal curiosity toward him and started talking some gibberish to me… which I think, was Flemish… What I got out of it was… Hello…srtdfyugihojerfvubdwoeqivffygchbjkjdfbdivc… I pulled out the Ik spreek non Nederlands en non Francais… Lucky for me Ron’s twin could speak some English! Yeah well not only did he look like Ron, he could tell a story like Ron… I enjoyed my 10min break talking to EuroRon and went on my way….

I am tell you this story because today… I was riding back in to Leuven and I saw EuroRon again. He was crossing the street near my house… he waved, I waved… we both had a moment! The best part was the forest I saw him in was 20km away from town… EuroRon gets around!!!

Well other then that I am just relaxing in the Apartment! I found a new addiction…washing dishes…. Just kidding Mom…


Gotta be KD


Anonymous said...

Good story, two Ronbob's oh no Elaine......
Have a good ride this weekend in France....looking forward to the report..will you do dishes when you get home? just kidding

Unknown said...

Hey There

So I think your career in the near future should be a novelist. Love reading your stories.
After reading about your friends in the last two postings. I decided to write up a quote for you, use it well.

The one choice that cannot be taken away from us, is how we choose to live. In knowing this then why do we not act on this choice. Instead we fret over things that will only provide fleeting happiness. Let what you want the world to be, become the way you choose to live.

Written by Renee

Anonymous said...

Kyle, that is really scary that there could be two Ron-Bob's!!!!! I hope #2 stays in Europe.
Your stories are great!

Anonymous said...

Kyle...Ry and I "are in stitches!" Funniest story to date. Very well witten...what was your prof. in gr. 12 thinking? You should hook him up with your blog-site and show him what a great writer you are. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

at least you are not related to the original....:s

Anonymous said...

Heyyy now! What a coincidence.
Cory always says that when I clear my throat I am going to say something - guess I am a little Phlemish???
As much fun as your bro Matt laughing and screaming behind my headrest in the Venture as we ascended to Hazen Notch Vermont at 3km/hr. with the speedo showing 70 and no traction control, thanks to Corys' insistance.
There's always a way to the top and the enjoyment is getting there - keep going Buddy.