Wednesday, March 28, 2007

last update

Ryan seems to be doing alot better, We went in for a visit today. Ryan's parents are in town, giving him the care he needs. No matter the situation Ryan can pull jokes out of know where...he has a talent I will say. Today was his first day of getting out of his bed, which he has been in since the weekend.

I am leaving AZ so I wont be in to see him at the hospital! Best of luck buddy see you back in Ontario!


Monday, March 26, 2007

Ryan's update

Well the update on Ryan goes something like this. We went and visited with him yesterday brought him a few things he wanted. He is doing ok for a guy who has to lay on his back and can only move his one arm. He told us he was not happy with the night shift nurses but the day shift ladies were really nice. The doctors say it’s a 95% chance that he won’t need surgery. The next couple of days are crucial; they are monitoring the swelling in his back to make sure nothing shifts. He is still cracking all his normal Ryan jokes. The

Quote of the day from him is: I’m doing as good as a guy could be with a straw up my penis!

His position for the next 2 days, the plastic shell he has on is his body cast!
Ryan's Zoolander picture!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Get better buddy!!!

I have not been posting on the blog for a while only because there hasn’t been anything to share.

Now today a tragic thing happened to my friend and roommate. He was out training and took a spill! The crash has left him with many broken bones and a back brace that has to be on for 3months. I really don’t know what else to say, it’s a shock to my other roommates, his family, friends and me. I hope all the best for Ryan and that he heals and comes out of this stronger then ever!

It just goes to show you that at a drop of a second your life can be changed. Live your life to the fullest potential. Start walking and your feet will carry you where you want to go!

Playing the waiting game outside the hospital!
he really wanted to read but cant lift his arm past that!

Ian and myself joking around with Ryan, he was in good spirits!

that is Ryan's position for the next few days!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Birthday Post

So today I turned 21, and for once I am the proper age for legal drinking! Thank God. I have received many emails and posts from people that I have grown up with, met in High school or met on my many journeys around the world! I just want to thank everyone for taking the time out of there busy day to pass on there birthday wishes to me!

Now Today I woke up at 630am…usually not normal for a person on there birthday… but I am not normal! Mark and I had a quick bite to eat and headed out on the bikes at 730am. We had to meet a group of guys at the University of Arizona for a ride. Since I have been cycling the longest ride I have ever done is 192km. I figured no way better to celebrate my birthday by doing something I love and something that is my passion. I ended up doing a 210km ride from Tucson to Kits Peak, which is a 12mile climb and then back to Tucson! The total trip took me 7hrs, long day in the sun! Birthday wise I couldn’t ask for anything more.

For the rest of the day I plan on hanging out with my Canadian Friends that re down here… so around 10-12 people…have some food and a few beverages… After a day like what I had I will probably drink 2-4 beers and be drunk…cheap and right to the point. People take note if you want to get drunk for cheap do 7hrs of riding!

P.S> stay tuned for photos from the birthday night….some funny things might and I say might happen!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A lil of this and that

Now when you ride your bike all day you seem to do funny things while your not riding. We had a Pre Ste Pattie dayz shin dig...and this is what came of it!....

The dream team, backstreet boys watch out!
Mark chillin on the computer.

Ian Dancing with his new GF...where is she anyways?

Wow I see we got the memo for the outfits!
Ryan is trying to find his lucky charms!
where is the rainbow...infact where is the pot of gold!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

the house in AZ

Our living room in tucson...where the laptop magic happens!

The kitchen, aka eat and cook our meals!
Mark Batty and my sleeping area. My bed is on the right!
Mark and my washroom.Ian and Ryan's Bathroom.
Ian and Ryan's bedroom...this room sucks...hahahaha
What we do while we are not on our bikes!...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

bring on the weather

After my adventures in California I jumped on a plane and high tailed it over to Tucson Arizona. I had a great time in Cali, I saw everything I wanted and more! Now that I am in Tucson I will be logging the long hours on the bike. I am looking to build a solid base for the upcoming season. Since I landed I have done 350km’s, in 4 days. The guys I am living with are cool dudes. Ian, from Ontario, Mark, from just around the corner and Ryan from Hamilton. It is really easy to wake up and jump on the bike knowing the sky is blue and it is always above 20 degrees. Living the dream…living the dream. Along with my roommates there are a bunch of familiar faces here in Tucson. Adam Morka, Emily Batty, Buck Miller and Danielle Kenny just to name a few. Now for the apartment, last time I was in Tucson, we lived in the south east part and now we are in the northwest. All I can say is it is a lot classier then Eastside Place (2004 Apartment). Rio Vista (present apartment) is in a cleaner area, has a closer grocery store and not as sketchy people.

Let the fun begin!

Thursday, March 01, 2007