Saturday, March 24, 2007

Get better buddy!!!

I have not been posting on the blog for a while only because there hasn’t been anything to share.

Now today a tragic thing happened to my friend and roommate. He was out training and took a spill! The crash has left him with many broken bones and a back brace that has to be on for 3months. I really don’t know what else to say, it’s a shock to my other roommates, his family, friends and me. I hope all the best for Ryan and that he heals and comes out of this stronger then ever!

It just goes to show you that at a drop of a second your life can be changed. Live your life to the fullest potential. Start walking and your feet will carry you where you want to go!

Playing the waiting game outside the hospital!
he really wanted to read but cant lift his arm past that!

Ian and myself joking around with Ryan, he was in good spirits!

that is Ryan's position for the next few days!


Tom said...

Friggen hell.. what happened? And what bones did he break?

Anonymous said...

Hey... this is Jess... I am a friend of Ryan's and Ian's... man, I hated reading that about Ryan... can you give him a few Zoolander looks and poses and tell him its from me and that I hope he gets better soon. Feed him lots of calcium and shark cartilage pills. Man, he was training so well too. At least he is OK though.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts are with Ryan and his family, all the best, heal well
Maw D

Anonymous said...

jeeeeze what a spill give him my best buddy

Anonymous said...

We need to give him his countertop full of supplements to get him healed up and being a man so he can do the right fring stat!!!!

Get well soon buddy.

Eric Robertson

Anonymous said...

Hey The Gryphon Crowd Just got word of your crash. We are all pulling for you buddy. It's good to see that you are alright and going to pull through, and that your charm hasn't suffered too much. I hope you were at least going mach 7 on your bike when you bailed. Take care of yourself. We'll come see you when you are back in the hammer. is there a better way than this to contact you?

Angus Macaulay