Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The BIG deal

World Freakin Championships….wholllyy molly…that sums up what I felt before, during and after the day! My day couldn’t of gone any better, I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee when things click. I owe it to a lot of people that helped my day go smooth… I will start with my teammates…always pumped and ready to rock! Greg for telling me NO PAIN 3 times in the morning in a 30min span! Neil and Andy keeping the team area organized and making sure riders were looked after. Lastly Dave our mechanic, he kept the bike going! Now the race was super intense, the most spectators I have ever seen. The most important fans being my Mom and Sonja! You could hear there motherly cheers on every step that I took on the stairs. My race prep seemed to run smooth, great warm up, hit the trainer for 45mins. I did a few intervals and couple leg speed jumps. You had to sign in 15mins to 30mins before the start so I rolled over did that and then just chilled and rode the start section. I had a pretty good call up, 31st. When the gun sounded I put my head down and braced for elbow rubbing. A lot of pushing went on so you had to really hold your line. The first few laps went great I was sitting in 45th and I was in a group with 6 guys. I took a deadly spill half way threw. I decided to run in to a fence with my hand, lets just say the fence won! It stunned me for a second but it made me loose contact with the group. I ended up catching one of them that fell off the pace and beat him to the line. I placed 50th, not bad for my first World Championships. Along with myself and the other Team Canada guys, I think we all had great days, except Aaron, he got in a fight with a fence and yes the fence won! For the rest of the day I packed my bike, chilled and enjoyed many deserved cold beers.

Some of you might be curious, but Yes I did watch Rocky 4 the night before my race. The best underdog story of our time. NO PAIN

Tara, Mike and Greg raced the next day, they all had sweet rides. I do have to say that Team Canada, yeah we are kind of a big deal!!!

I am home now for 2 weeks, time to do a little snowboarding and relax!!!

Thanks guys for a great 5 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out the photos on Canadian Cyclist


Anonymous said...

congrats Kyle

Havy and Sue

Jeff and Leigh said...

Congrats Kyle!!! We'll miss you in SC :)


Mandy said...

muuuuuuuuuah muuuuuuuuah

Tom said...
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Tom said...

Nice ride bro! Glad everything went so well!

P.S. I think mandy lozano likes you

P.P.S That is a sweet Axel costume.. the scottish hat especially!