Saturday, January 12, 2008

Oh France...............

….F%$#… I give the smoke to the baby!

 Today I woke up after a super crappy sleep and thought wow I am tired wish I wasn’t going to France. All night I kept getting up, if I was lucky I may have gotten 5hrs of sleep. It was like I was in prison trying to sleep and my cellmates name was Bubba and Bubba had an expression on his face that spelled out trouble!

Anyways enough prison talk! We packed the car and headed to France! For once on this trip Molly and I arrived early and had time to check out the course, have a coffee, brush up on our French speaking and relax with our belgie friends! (I wrote this right after the race… before the bitter bus came)


5hrs later…..


I thought the race went well… I placed 33rd… not bad… but deep down the race just seemed blahhhhhhhhhhhh… the course matched my style… well half the course and the other half was all flat soccer field stretches! I would get some rhythm and then loose it. I would catch a guy then loose a guy… for every positive there was a negative. I had bike problems, then my bike worked like a charm. I am just going to say it, bad day at the office. Molly was super pumped for my ride he thought I was killing it… I just wasn’t feeling it.


I just really don’t feel like writing up a report on this race.



-       Tomorrow World Cup- (I am watching Rocky tonight)

-       France’s roads SUCK!

-       Molly and I got lost a lot today- 2hrs of wasted time.

-       Rode my bike… like a champ in the tech spots

-       Stressed

-       TIRED

-       TIRED

-       TIRED


Conclusion: the number of times I have sworn today, 567,098,478


The End

Better days Approach! 

5hrs 38mins later...

found a positive...

I raced today in Roubaix... a very famous area... and I did 3/4 a lap of the track per lap of the race that the famous road race Paris-Roubaix finishes on!!!! SO COOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kyle...The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack in will (Vince Lombardi). You have what it takes to shine, so keep reaching for the stars and things will happen for you, you deserve it!!! We love ya, the Dougys xo